One of the first steps that must be taken in order to craft a warehouse that’s organized is to select your storage system (or systems). Naturally, this is not a choice that should be taken lightly; warehouse storage systems are a large amount of capital investment that, depending on the design and the way they fit into your warehouse floor space, plan and processes, can either help or hurt your throughput.

Because there are some different categories of warehouse storage systems on the market today, it’s key to get acquainted with the options before being sell on one that might not complement your layout or model support your need for flexibility.
To better expose you to the big world of warehouse storage systems, we’ve compiled a list of the 3 most common types:
1. Static Shelving
2. Mobile Shelving
3. Pallet racking

The 3 popular warehouse storage system types.

1. Static Shelving

As its name suggests, static shelves are storage mechanisms that are designed to store in one location. For in a large part, they are meant to hold inventory that is a few hundred pounds per shelf. It’s commonly used for stocking inventory that needs continuous replenishment.
Because they’re not adaptable with forklifts, static shelving is generally used with inventory that must be manually picked, placed, and/or organized. For your large amount of inventory, invest in a long span shelving system, which can hold more products weight and can be used in higher- altitude configurations.

2. Mobile Shelving

Mobile shelving is the same as static shelving. Mobile shelving is a completely adaptable solution that is meant to hold your manually-picked the right product Products, but the most seem to differ here is that many of these systems are designed to hold more products in less location space. With mobile shelving, mounting shelving or cabinets onto a carriage and rail system, eliminating fixed aisles and increasing productivity by making inventory more accessible, even when space is tight.
Mobile shelving designs typically include level tracks that can either be manual Mobile shelving or mechanized mobile shelving. Some come equipped with locking systems to control access to inventory.

3. Pallet Racking

For the biggest and warehouses and factories and largest warehouses, pallet racking systems are usually treated as the centerpiece of the operation. Typically, pallet racking systems are made out of wood, metal, or plastic and hold inventory that is received in the large size of boxes. Based on the height, the boxes are placed on the pallet racking system with the help of a forklift or an automated mechanism.
There are a different variety of sub-categories of pallet racking systems, such as include carton-flow racking, cantilever racking, coil racking, double-deep racking, drive-in racking, drive-through racking, high-bay racking, mobile racking, narrow aisle racking system, pallet live racking system, push back racking, shuttle racking, and vertical racking. Most often, warehouses will choose systems depending on weight limits, flexibility, and whether or not the system demands a change in infrastructure.